Tuesday 14 May 2013

Year 11 - Edexcel GCSE Exam: Unit 1: Understanding Prose - 50% of the overall award

Higher Paper Examination: Monday, 20th May (AM) 1hr 45m

  1. Section A on a Literary Heritage text– four-part question based on an extract for Literacy Heritage text (Jekyll & Hyde)
  2. Section B on a Different Cultures text– essay question for Different Cultures text (OMAM)
    • Ten minutes planning your answer
    • Thirty minutes writing your answer
    • Five minutes checking your answer
Assessment Objectives: The following Assessment Objectives will be assessed in this unit:
  • AO1: Respond to texts critically and imaginatively; select and evaluate relevant textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations. (25%)
  • AO2: Explain how language, structure and form contribute to a writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings. (10%)
  • AO4: Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts; explain how texts have been influential and significant to self and other readers in different contexts and at different times. (15%) This is only assessed in section B (long essay question).
In Section A students complete a four-part question linked to a short extract from the text.
  • There will be four parts to each question.  
  • The extract will come from a significant section of the text and will be approximately 300 words in length. 
  • Students will select relevant material focused on the key words of the questions, clearly expressing relevant points and providing evidence from the text.  
  • Students will be expected to relate the extract to the whole text.  
  • Foundation Tier questions will focus on key events, character, language and theme both within and outside the extract.  
  • Higher Tier questions will focus on character, theme, language and significance of the extract.
In Section B there will be a choice of 2 essay questions for each text. You only answer 1 question.

Section B – Essay question
• Students will choose one of two essays.  
• Students will select relevant material focused on the key words of the question, clearly expressing relevant points and providing evidence from the text.  
• Students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of the whole text.  
• Foundation tier students will be given bulleted suggestions to support their response focusing on events, themes or character.  
• The essay will be assessed for Quality of Written Communication.

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